

Shel Automation is a supplier of electrical products, providing 360° solutions for industrial automation systems.

Our offering includes; Energy Meters, low-voltage circuit breakers, contactors, soft starters, wires and cables, Relay, Induction motors, gear motors, and much more; offering a wide range of electrical and automation products that improve performance, extends machine lifecycle, and minimizes risk.

Check out our other products!


Induction & Servo Motors

induction motors, servo motors

S71200/1500 Series | ET200
LOGO | M340/580/200 Series
MicroLogix 1200/1400 Series
Control/Compact Logix
FX/Q Series

Industrial Cables

industrial cables, cables

Simatic Basic/Comfort
DOP-100/B/W Series
GOT Series
Panel View 800/5000
Panel View Plus 6/7

Low Voltage Switch Gears

switch gears, low voltage switch gears

ACS Drives | Simatic Drives
EL/M/E Series Drives | ATV Drives
Powerflex Drives

Multi Function Meters

multi function meters

Inductive Sensors
Capacitive Sensors
Magnetic Sensors
Ultrasonic Sensors
Photoelectric Sensors
Distance Sensors
Contrast Sensors
Safety Light Curtains

Industrial Soft Starters

softstarters, siemens, delta

Temperature Transmitters
Level Transmitters (Ultrasonic, Guided Wave Radar)
Pressure Transmitter (Inline, Differential)
Flow Meters (Volumetric, Massflow)

Low Voltage Starter Panel

starter panels

Temperature Controllers
Pressure Controllers
Programmable PID Controllers | Timmers
Counters | Analog Display